The Mega-Zine Museum
October 10, 1998
(MORBID) MOONBABY How can we rejoice in this life when it grows shorter every hour? Each breath of a man is a step nearer to death. Ta, I needed cheering up.
HER YR HOYWON Am I the only person to notice the gay subtext in Sabrina the Teenage Witch? That's nothing, did you see any of the party conferences?
LITTLE GREEN ALIEN Why do you not print my letters? Is my fax broken? Yes.
South Park is a crummy show,
To who it appeals I don't know,
It uses toilet humour to get cheap laughs,
I hate it so much I'd rather do maths,
It isn't funny,
It isn't great,
Cartman and chums I really hate,
Don't build it up into a cult case,
Those who enjoy it,
Hmmmm. How can I say this without
getting the sack............?
It's true, pop down to your local video shop and take a look.
I was browsing through sale crates when my mum found a copy of the Bagpuss video. I screamed, Home Alone style - it's only £3.99.
I'm going to re-live my memories of the fuzzless feline's show.
See it, the Teletubbies just can't compete.
The Beachball.
Of course Bagpuss was another one.
Not a sober day since 1973.
It's good to broaden your mind and read Haiku poetry.
But (in my humble opinion) Haiku is a touch too stylised, while classical Chinese poetry contains both simplicity and a broader range of lyricism.
One of my favourite poems ends: "And cascades hang noiseless in the mountains, rainbows of jade."
Roo van Riddle.
Party on dude.
Recently these pages have been taken over by fighting, Ziner against Ziner. One time comedy companions are now cynical strangers. Why can't you live in peace?
Please stop these boring, pathetic letters fighting about who is a "real" Ziner and who has the most original name.
The Next Big Thing In Religion.
No way. I love a good scrap.
I want blood!