The Mega-Zine Museum
March 3—4, 2006
THE AMAZING BOUNCING FERRET Eeeep I'm surrounded by effalumps and worzels. Is Gummage there too?
STEFANI NOT GWEN It's Friday, It's Friday, it's Friday and I'm off to Oz! Well it's OK for some... enjoy!
SNOWFLAKE THE GERMAN POLAR BEAR Arghhhh for lent! boo-hoo! Couldn't agree more - go eat and be cheeky.
PEDANTIC 252 I'm staying in a really bad hotel at the mo. I called room service and asked for a hot chocolate and they sent me up a Dairy Milk and a match. What, no biscuits with it?
To Love in Idleness, You think your town's bad? At least you get to sleep.
I am kept awake all night by chickens, ducks and other annoying animals, all singing the national anthem in different keys.
I haven't slept since 1978, and it's starting to affect my wool.
The Sheep With Nowhere To Sleep.
All work and no sleep makes Dolly a dull sheep. Try the giraffe den.
I was thinking about the idea of The Spice Girls versus Take That in a death match scenario with chainsaws and ninja stuff.
Then I realised for the sake of humanity putting them in a giant meat grinder would be a far better idea.
Well hope that solves that thing.
Love and Stuff
Princess Psycho
Can we add Celine Dion to that list too?
WARNING - This is appalling.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because it was stuck to the lollipop lady's leg!
Doesn't it just make you sick?
Beijing's 8,999,997th Bicycle
You're out of play for a day, Beijing's 8,999,997th Bicyle. That was truly appalling, warning or no warning.
They're painting the library and it smells of dandelion and burdock.
Either that paint is weird or my nose is.
The One With The Mighty Antlers
If you have antlers you should be able to suss anything out.
Wendy Lloyd, you are still the one. Will you marry Loyal Lion King?
Say yes Wendy, Lion Kings are rich
According to an internet quiz, Chewbacca is my Star Wars alter-ego, I was a performing monkey in a past life, Britney Spears is my 'inner rock goddess' and as if things couldn't get any worse, apparently I would sleep with Jamie Theakston to work in TV.
My study periods are going to good use.
Enchanted Rose
Tsk! How wrong can they get? Ask the Ziners, they know much more.