The Mega-Zine Museum
February 25—26, 2000
MOON MONKEY Yesterday I met a man with a lemon for a head. I asked him: "Why have you got a lemon for a head?". The man with a lemon for a head replied: "I don't like oranges." It's all citrus to me...
JUSTIN CASE Why are the toasters laughing at me? Because they're burning your toast?
PLUGHOLE FANTASY Without 'Zine changing, Saturday is the most boring day of the week. You obviously don't work Monday to Friday.
What is it with all the 'e' sounds in the alphabet? (C/D/E/G/P/T/V/Z). Is it just me who finds this really annoying?
Also, A, J and K rhyme, and U and W end with the same sound. Also why do they call W, 'double U'? I admit it does look like two 'U's put together in small case, but a capital W looks like two 'V's.
So I think the letter W should have two names, 'double U' and 'double V'.
What do you think?
Puzzle Piece
I think you have way too much
What is this monotony? I've been able to classify 99% of 'Zine letters into:
- Ziner X loves Ziner Y, but so does Ziner Z
- Ziner A wants a debate about which is better, thing B or thing C
- Ziner D used the word 'pilchard'
- Ziner E hates trendies
- Ziner F is alone
- Ziner N wants to 'join you crazies'.
Yawn. Time for a 'Ziney movement?
Sonic Youf
I'm sure there'll be a
Today, at school, I had to empty my desk completely and take all my books home. I dragged a 4-stone weight (Imperial rules) of books home.
Considering I'm about 6.75 stone, I suppose that it was a bad idea. A crippled back to look forward to when I'm older!
Just another thing to add to my long list of woes. And you're not allowed to take pity on me - I'm fine!
Karma Policewoman
In my day they called that
Be P.E.
And they came down unto the earth... and there was a great gnashing of teeth, and each one had a dead greasy mammal bound to its head by a scrunchie, and they wore unfeasably large puffy garments! And in those puffy garments were hidden J17 magazines.
And such blasphemies as "I Woz Ere" were written upon their foreheads and people worshipped them. They said:
"Who is like the trendie?"
The Last Girl On Earth
Pop culture - the new religion