The Mega-Zine Museum
May 30, 1999
FLYING TURNIP I'd just like to say I think I am a light bulb. Well come and light up my life.
PHANTOM CHICKEN I flew around the world on a biscuit. Oh crumbs, why did you do that?!
KWEEN KAT Who stole the last cookie? I heard Phantom Chicken flew around the world on it.
RANDOM GULP My Dad's a dentist so we get free toothpaste — nur nur! My Dad collects debts — great!
Your systematic "conditioning" of the next generation is, I must admit, completely admirable. Not so long ago I actually convinced my six-year-old brother there were seven years until his birthday.
Not bad eh? I suggest this to anyone out there... there's nothing like misleading people, even if they are too young to know you're lying.
Eau Rouge
My brother convinced me I'd be rich
I used to stay in and play on my computer all the time, then I got a life, started surfing and pubbing/clubbing. Now I meet real people and have a life.
The Internet is only a resource, nothing more. This virtual life that people keep talking about is sad, as real life is much better.
Bad Breath
Pubbing and clubbing?
I remember my first mug. It was yellow, with Mickey Mouse on it and I always drank milk from it.
Sadly, one day it fell from the cupboard. I'll never forget the scene of horror as it lay in pieces on the floor.
Mugs come and mugs go, but you never forget your first mug.
Neon Butterfly
You sound like the
Is there anything more tragic than the cruel inevitability of an aged, muddied tennis ball that has been heartlessly discarded to the recesses of a cupboard, merely in favour of a pristine, shiny tennis ball that is assumed to bounce higher just because it looks nicer?
Soggy Noodle
I look nice but I don't